Sunday, 7 October 2012

The Rain Room

A rather seasonal post today about rAndom international's social experiment the rain room. It almost seems like the opposite of a shower, the audience are invited to walk through the 100 square meter space in the rain where like a dream the clouds part and you feel like a superior being not getting a single drop on your body as you move around freely. 

This trio Florian Ortkrass, Stuart Wood and Hannes Koch who met at London Royal college of art have experimented with a lot of work that rely's on the participation of the audience to react with it like Temporary printing machine, 2011 which prints a picture of whatever objects in front of the piece and displays it until slowly fading to never be returned. 

RAndom international have also been responsible for an exhibition called Audience, 2009 a installation using sixty four mirrors that turn and follow the member of the audience that they find the most interesting until the mirrors become disenchanted and chose somebody else to stare at. Ahhhhh a fashionistas dream... 

The rain room is in the curve gallery at The Barbican centre in London until March 2013.